About Us

ExamenActual is a company with years of experience in IT certification training, specifically for SAP certification exam training. We focus on online high-end talent training. We hope to learn more that to improve and with high salary. Provide a learning platform to escort on the road to the ideals.

We can guarantee all questions and answers in the ExamenActual study materials are valuable. Unlike other companies that give you a lot of useless answers. Why are we providing a small number of questions but the pass rate so high? It is because we focus on streamlining and accuracy. We delete useless questions everyday and more. The latest problem is to reduce the stress of your study while ensuring the reliability of the problem. Therefore, as long as you have confidence in yourself and study our courses carefully. Everything else will be handed over to us and we will definitely make you successful in the exam.

In the past, we have helped about tens thousands of people pass SAP Cloud/BW4hana/BI/FICO/SD/MM/PI and some other globally recognized certifications. Among them, our SAP certification pass rate is as high as 96%. This makes our SAP certification pass rate always ranked in the forefront of the country.

In order to fully train students, ExamenActual has also led students to participate in the implementation of nearly 1,000 large and medium-sized network plans and projects in the campuses, banks, and government units. We improve students’ practical ability and lay a solid foundation for their future work. At the same time, ExamenActual also provides human resources services for well-known network equipment suppliers and system integrators, such as CISCO, HUAWEI, H3C, and Ruijie, and introduces high-quality talents for them.

So that is why we are confident that as long as you study our products well, you will succeed in the examinations and in your future work.


We promise to provide the best study material for certification exams in the shortest possible time. We make sure the consistent improvement in our Exam Dumps Question and answer to help our clients in passing certification.

Why choose us

Our Exam Dumps PDF is easy to use as it can be carried by using various devices and is the blessing for those who are too busy with a hectic work schedule and want to clear the certification exam in a short period.


we will update our questions and answers in time after thoroughly analysis of latest Dumps, so even with less amount of question, we are still proud to say that all users will pass the exams if he/she truly understand the knowledge points we provides, and gain confidence and hope in testing!

Money Back Guarantee

Our all material is important and it will be handy for you. If you have short time for exam so, we are sure with the use of it you will pass it easily with good marks. If you will not pass so, you could feel free to claim your refund. We will give 100% money back guarantee if our customers will not satisfy with our products.

What can we do for you ?

Any problems about SAP certification or our products, you could rely upon us, we will give you satisfactory answers 24/7 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

For queries contact us on the following emails, there is a 48 hour response time for each email. All the common queries

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